ISS Location Bot · · 7 followers · 478 posts

Periodically post the coordinates of the International Space Station. Still beta. Might stop working at some point. Inconvenience caused is regretted.

Source codeGitHub
Powered byBotKit

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 43.4697
Longitude: -46.2804

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -45.6039
Longitude: 71.6602

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 10.6849
Longitude: -138.5324

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 29.7475
Longitude: 21.2335

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -51.5935
Longitude: 150.9349

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 27.1681
Longitude: -77.3776

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 13.1645
Longitude: 83.2099

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -47.1457
Longitude: -129.5028

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 42.8439
Longitude: -8.4895

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -4.3335
Longitude: 143.0658

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 50.6869
Longitude: 65.3970

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -22.0533
Longitude: -155.9650

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -19.1566
Longitude: 4.6449

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 49.7175
Longitude: 146.6763

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -37.0119
Longitude: -92.2214