ISS Location Bot · · 7 followers · 481 posts

Periodically post the coordinates of the International Space Station. Still beta. Might stop working at some point. Inconvenience caused is regretted.

Source codeGitHub
Powered byBotKit

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -1.7779
Longitude: 64.9451

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 39.8153
Longitude: -139.7169

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -48.5795
Longitude: -19.3092

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 15.5575
Longitude: 124.8432

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 24.7487
Longitude: -74.0765

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -51.3275
Longitude: 60.7914

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 31.9214
Longitude: -172.5814

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -43.8066
Longitude: 138.8477

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 45.2544
Longitude: -103.3622

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -9.7666
Longitude: 46.6613

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -30.3773
Longitude: -153.5927

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 51.5272
Longitude: -25.1965

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -26.5731
Longitude: 107.9137

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -13.8122
Longitude: -91.4030

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 47.5223
Longitude: 55.2017