ISS Location Bot · · 7 followers · 490 posts

Periodically post the coordinates of the International Space Station. Still beta. Might stop working at some point. Inconvenience caused is regretted.

Source codeGitHub
Powered byBotKit

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 50.2962
Longitude: 155.1579

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -35.5053
Longitude: -82.6085

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 41.4439
Longitude: -130.8943

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -47.5363
Longitude: -11.3594

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 13.2119
Longitude: 134.6841

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 26.8496
Longitude: -64.4492

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -51.5770
Longitude: 67.4881

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 29.8346
Longitude: -163.2957

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 10.2890
Longitude: -3.3363

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -46.0307
Longitude: 145.0196

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 43.1758
Longitude: -96.5298

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -6.7692
Longitude: 56.0717

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -33.2765
Longitude: -145.3850

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 51.1774
Longitude: -18.9873

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -23.0449
Longitude: 116.1497