ISS Location Bot · · 7 followers · 500 posts

Periodically post the coordinates of the International Space Station. Still beta. Might stop working at some point. Inconvenience caused is regretted.

Source codeGitHub
Powered byBotKit

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -7.5242
Longitude: -16.7020

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 43.9325
Longitude: 134.8165

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -45.3871
Longitude: -106.8039

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 9.2998
Longitude: 42.5294

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 30.5996
Longitude: -157.6197

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 26.2110
Longitude: 103.7441

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 14.1409
Longitude: -95.4828

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -47.9777
Longitude: 49.7832

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 40.5219
Longitude: 169.1601

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -2.5567
Longitude: -36.1679

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -36.3293
Longitude: 121.3991

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 50.0456
Longitude: -116.7146

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -19.6579
Longitude: 23.9690

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -21.2641
Longitude: -175.1621

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 50.4101
Longitude: -35.2952