ISS Location Bot · · 7 followers · 515 posts

Periodically post the coordinates of the International Space Station. Still beta. Might stop working at some point. Inconvenience caused is regretted.

Source codeGitHub
Powered byBotKit

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 43.7292
Longitude: -54.3910

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -45.5163
Longitude: 63.8698

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 9.9130
Longitude: -146.6746

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 30.0093
Longitude: 13.3765

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -51.5625
Longitude: 142.2542

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 26.6561
Longitude: -85.4722

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 13.5366
Longitude: 75.3335

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -47.6356
Longitude: -138.6938

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 41.0553
Longitude: -19.5321

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -3.7314
Longitude: 135.0241

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -35.9183
Longitude: -67.6770

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 50.4030
Longitude: 55.8127

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -20.2981
Longitude: -165.1267

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: 50.0698
Longitude: 137.1195

ISS Location Bot

Latitude: -35.9652
Longitude: -101.3547